La Cité comme Espace Urbain
DRAG lab EPFL, Les Topophoniques, Cassandre Berdoz (CH), Loose Antenna (CH)
Jardin du Petit Théâtre- -
Carte blanche - Loose Antenna
The Loose Antenna collective invites Dragos Tara and Clotilde Wuthrich from the Les Topophoniques collective, Cassandre Berdoz, guette of the Lausanne cathedral, the DRAG lab, active for parity and diversity within the EPFL and Gilles Valet, programmer of the Festival de la Cité. Through a historical, gender and political perspective, this discussion will attempt to identify the challenges and possibilities of appropriating the urban space that is the Cité hill. As the historical heart of the capital of Vaud, the seat of religious and political power for several centuries, the site of student life before it was relegated to the outskirts of the city, and as the location chosen by the Festival de la Cité since its first edition in 1972, the Cité reveals different urban uses that we will attempt to apprehend from a critical perspective.