La Radio comme Espace Public
Association Solid-ère, Ilyas Mettioui (CH), Loose Antenna (CH)
Jardin du Petit Théâtre- -
Carte blanche - Loose Antenna
As an opening segment, the members of the Loose Antenna collective will present a group reflection on radio as a public space. Radiophonic activity, considered as a tool for social and collective experimentation, offers possibilities for artistic, political and communal encounters and actions. With a desire for our radio as a place of exploration that is caring, accessible, inclusive and activist, as well as experimenting with the issues raised by such a project since its creation in 2020, we will revisit the foundations and changes that have taken place since Loose Antenna's founding, as well as the collaborations that have allowed us to develop further aspects of our posture. We will dialogue with members of the Grève féministe Vaud about the challenge of bringing the voices of gendered and minoritized people into a space that invisibilizes them and is not designed for them. We will also invite members of collectives with whom we work to question the circulation and access to speech in the public space. In the second part of the session, we will explore a practical case of highlighting struggle in public space, namely the struggle against precariousness. This discussion will take place with the Solid'ère collective and the artist Ilyas Mettioui, the stage director of OURAGAN.