CAªUSE - Centre d’Art Alternatif et Urbain Suisse Emergent (CH)
Le Bal de la Mercerie- -
To celebrate it's fiftieth birthday, the Festival de la Cité has the pleasure of inviting you to a ball. If you like to dance with a partner, alone, or in a group, this is the place for you. The atmosphere and the music are different every evening, reflecting the diversity of the audiences that the festival has been bringing brought together since half a century.
'WE SESSION' is a circle focused on exchange and encounters through movement. This first edition is dedicated to Afro/House music with Ivan Larson and Idilsa Tavares as guests, key figures of these cultures in Switzerland and internationally. At the end of the session, the jury and the public will be able to choose their favourite of the evening.
For those who are curious, an introductory workshop will be given during the day to discover this fascinating universe.
Discover different activities:
18h-19h30: Workshop afrohouse by Idilsa (AFRO ID)WORKSHOP AFROHOUSE DONNÉ PAR IDILSA (AFRO ID)
19h45 -20h45: WE SESSION ft. AFROHAUSE
20h45 - 21h00: Demonstration by the judges + speech by CAaUSE
21h00: Awards ceremony
21h-23h: Deejay set + ball with all of the dancers